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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Making Every Dollar Count

You have curbed those impulse buys.Set up a livable spending plan.You can track every cent that comes in and goes out.So,what's next? If you are committed to enjoying life and living well,but doing so within your means and not with the help of credit cards,you need to make every dollar count.It's time to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your imagination and wallet and figure out how you can get the most out for your money. This process will involve some quick adjustments to your discretionary spending.It might mean borrowing books from the library instead of buying them at the local bookstore.Switching from incandescent to flourescent lightbulbs.Hanging your laundry on the clothesline instead of using the electric dryer every day.Using grocery store coupons.Traveling in the middle of the week.Jogging around the park instead of paying for a gym membership.
In many instances,you can stretch your hard earned dollars simply by being more creative.Trade babysitting services with another parent,for example.It won't cost either of you a penny,and you will both get a free afternoon to attend yoga class or run errands.
However,these kinds of adjustments can stretch your dollars only so far.To really put some bounce into your budget,you need to play with your fixed expenses,too.That may mean refinancing your home mortgage,lowering your insurance rates,or consolidating your credit card debt with a home equity loan.
The bottom line is:Whatever you do,make the most of every dollar you spend.

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